Intuition - The power of mental health!
Have you ever had that feeling that something will happen suddenly, something positive in your life, something that will draw you away! When powerful for something she called intuition. Intuition is composed of three elements: the third eye, understanding and listening sober sober.
They say that not many people are blessed with intuition, But studies have shown that each individual can develop intuition. You may be asked why should develop intuition? Developing intuition brings better communication. Became more sensitive to the people you encircle, usually helps to not persons will're hurting her, because your intuition enables them to understand them. Intuition will enable you to become more creative than ever and will enable you to treat your themselves. Intuition has healing power, this does not mean in the sense physical force, but helps to log in deep within your soul and to remove some of the negative energy buried there.
Here are some tips which can help you develop your intuition:
Hypnosis - By making your own hypnosis you will feel better and will definitely help in strengthening and developing your intuition.
Meditation - means to find peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are filled with things you preukopojn, you will not have the opportunity to remove them while not meditate, and after that will have the opportunity to develop your intuition better. There are many ways of meditation, But here are some of the most popular, do yoga, or deep breathing etc..
Think positive - positive thinking helps you to develop your intuition received enough positive energy
Let it go - If you pick up a dilemma for important decision, let them go all the dilemmas and find a quiet place which will help you to think more clearly. Sometimes you just need to hear that voice mongering to you, and he will not come voice if you do not leave it to shkoj.cila energy will drastically help you to get to know the emotions and events.
Believe in the first impression - If any person you meet for the first time and think he is a bit arrogant for your taste, chances are that revisions may contain the truth. In most cases the first impressions come from intuition.
Be / happy - you see? All what you need to do to have a developed intuition is to you / happy. Happiness attracts great power, and one of them is intuition.
Intuition helps a lot, because sometimes allows to achieve some things that we otherwise could not be achieved.
Source: www.Keshilla.net
Intuita - Fuqia e shendetit mendor!
A e keni pasur ndonjehere ate ndjenjen se dicka do te ndodhe papritmas, dicka pozitive ne jeten tuaj, dicka qe do ju terheqe tutje! Kur ndjheni te fuqishem per dicka ajo quhet Intuite. Intuita perbehet nga tre elemente: syri i trete, te kuptuarit kthjellet dhe te degjuarit kthjellet.
Thone se jo shume njerez jane te bekuar me intuite, mirpo studimet kane treguar se secili individ mund ta zhvilloj intuiten. Ju mund te pyetin pse duhet ta zhvillojme intuiten? Zhvillimi i intuites sjell komunikim me te mire. Te bene me sensitiv nga njerezit qe ju rrethoheni, zakonisht te ndihmone qe te mos i lendosh personat qe i do, sepse intuita juaj ua mundeson ti kuptoni ata. Intuita do ju mundesoj qe te beheni me kreativ se kurre dhe do ju mundesoje qe ta kuroni veteveten tuaj. Intuita ka fuqi sheruese, kjo nuk do te thote fuqi sheruse ne kuptimin fizik, por ndihmon qe te kyqeni ne thellesi te shpirtit tuaj dhe te i largoni disa energji negative te groposura aty.
Ja disa keshilla te cilat munde te ju ndihmojne ne zhvillimin e intuites suaj:
Hipnoza – Duke i bere vete suaj hipnoze ju do ndjeheni me mire dhe do ndihmoje patjeter ne forcimin dhe zhvillimin e intuites suaj.
Meditimi – do te thote te gjeshe paqen ne veten tuaj. Nese mendja dhe zemra juaj jane te mbushura me gjera qe ju preukopojn, ju nuk do te keni mundesi te i largoni ato perderisa nuk meditoni, dhe pas kesaj do keni mundesi ta zhvilloni intuiten tuaj me mire. Ka shume menyra te meditimit, mirpo ja disa me te popullarizuarat: bej joga, ose duke marre fryme thelle etj.
Mendo pozitivisht – te menduarit pozitivisht ndihmone qe ta zhvilloni intuiten tuaj duke marre energji mjafte pozitive
Lere te shkoje – Nese jeni duke dileme per te marr nje vendim te rendesishem, leri te shkojne te gjitha dilemat dhe gjej nje vend te qete i cili do ju ndihmoje te mendoni me qarte. Ndonjehere ju duhet vetem ta degjoni zerin i cili peshperit tek ju, dhe ai ze nuk do te vije nese ju nuk e leni qe te shkoj.cila energji do te ju ndihmoje ne menyre drastike te i njiheni emocionet dhe ngjarjet.
Beso ne pershtypjen e pare – Nese e takoni ndonje person per here te pare dhe mendoni se ai eshte paksa arrogant per shijen tuaj, shancat jane qe pershtypjet mund te permbajne te verteten. Ne shumicen e rasteve pershtypjet e para vijne nga intuita.
Ji i/e lumtur – E shikoni? E gjitha se cfare ju duhet te beni qe te keni nje intuite te zhvilluar eshte qe te jeni i/e lumtur. Lumturia terheq fuqi shume te medha dhe njera nder to eshte intuita.
Intuita ndihmone shume, sepse ndonjehere te mundeson te arrish disa gjera qe ne ndryshe nuk do te mund te arriheshin.
Burimi: www.Keshilla.net