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That's why some women think that they have not lucky in love!


That's why some women think that they have not lucky in love!

There are always reasons due to which something happens, like for good things, and bad for them. If you are not faring luck in love, it is time to discover why you like that.
Tell everybody about your relationship
Of course that will boast before teenage lover when you have a new, perhaps even will tell them some details about your relationship, but also show them around each segment of your relationship - your lover this has certainly not like . If you go overboard with excessive display of your love Facebook, more likely to feel tense. In early bonding heed of what you speak, in order not to panic and not more push away.
Strict criteria
Things are known to everyone who loves certain things to his partner, but if you have tough requirements that would have to be like your boyfriend look, you will need to be accompanied and would have to behave, not will be satisfied with anyone. Soften criteria.
are persistent
Order in the morning, after breakfast invitation, then a message before Breakfast, however, even after these few guidelines afternoon and even a sleep before sleep ... Maybe you think that in this way you will show that love, meanwhile he it seems like you put the noose around his neck which are clutched with each order or with each new call. No bad thing to pay attention to the whole, but excessive caution will probably ngufase and will remove from you.
The show for ex boyfriend
Consequently, for every day, in every situation. If by any of your actions show how former love this thing or that thing has done good or bad, you just want to understand if you're ex boyfriend and how I suffer for times past.



Ja perse disa femra mendojne se nuk kane fat ne dashuri!

Gjithmone ekzistojne shkaqet per shkak te te cilave ndodhe dicka, si per gjera te mira, ashtu edhe per ato te keqija. Nese nuk ju ecen fati ne dashuri, eshte koha te zbuloni perse ju ndodh ashtu.
U tregoni te gjitheve per lidhjen tuaj
Natyrisht se do te lavderoheni para shoqeve kur te keni nje dashnor te ri, mbase edhe do t’ua tregoni disa detaje per lidhjen tuaj, mirepo edhe ua tregoni te gjithave cdo segment te marredhenies suaj, – dashnorit tuaj kjo gje me siguri nuk i pelqen. Nese e teproni edhe me shfaqjen e tepruar te dashurise suaj ne Facebook, ka mundesi te ndihet teper i tendosur. Ne fillim te lidhjes kushtoni kujdes per ate se cka flisni, ne menyre qe te mos e frikesoni shume dhe te mos e largoni nga vetja.
Kriteret e ashpra
Jane gjera te njohura qe cdokush i do disa gjera te caktuar te partneri i vet, mirepo nese keni kerkesa te ashpra se si do te duhej te dukej i dashuri juaj, me ke do te duhej te shoqerohej dhe si do te duhej te sillej, nuk do te jeni te kenaqura me askend. Zbusni kriteret.
Jeni kembengules
Porosia e mengjesit, ftesa pas mengjesi, pastaj edhe nje porosi para kafjalli, pas ketyre gjithsesi edhe disa porosi pasdite dhe edhe nje para se te fle gjume… Ndoshta ju mendoni se ne kete menyre do t’i tregoni se e dashuroni, nderkaq atij i duket se si ia keni vene lakun rreth qafe me te cilin po e shtrengoni me secilen porosi apo me secilen ftese te re. Nuk ka gje te keqe t’ia kushtoni tere vemendjen, mirepo kujdesi i tepruar mbase do ta ngufase dhe do ta largoje nga ju.
I tregoni per ish te dashurit
Vazhdimisht, per cdo dite, ne cdo situate. Po qe se me cdo veprim tuajin i tregoni se si ish i dashuri kete gje apo ate gje e ka bere me mire apo me keq, do t’ju kuptoje sikur pikerisht deshironi te jeni me ish te dashurin dhe se si po vuani per kohet e kaluara.
