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Tuna, required and guaranteed success!


Tuna, required and guaranteed success!

Singers from Skopje Tuna, is continuing with its tempo of intense tournament this summer really showed once again that the power is extraordinary. It is extremely committed to her team in the tournament "Fenix ​​Tour" and left without visiting a few places during this summer.

But this seems to have been only the beginning. We have learned that Tuna in any day during August is not free and that every day it will be from a different city concert throughout Kosovo. Besides other things, Tuna performs regularly in Ulcinj, which is very well expected by Albanian tourists. Her song "Fenix​​" on You tube has reached the clicked more than six million times.

Source: Journal Day


Tuna, e kerkuar dhe sukses i garantuar!

Kengetarja shkupjane Tuna, eshte duke e vazhduar me tempo intensive turneun e saj te kesaj vere vertete ka treguar edhe nje here se ka energji te jashtezakonshme. Ajo eshte jashtezakonisht e angazhuar me ekipin e saj ne turneun “Fenix Tour” dhe ka lene pak vende pa vizituar gjate kesaj vere.

Por, ky duket te kete qene vetem fillimi. Ne kemi mesuar se Tuna ne asnje dite gjate gushtit nuk eshte e lire dhe se cdo dite ajo do te kete nga nje koncert neper qytet te ndryshme te Kosoves. Pos te tjerash, Tuna performon rregullisht edhe ne Ulqin, ku po pritet shume mire nga turistet shqiptare. Kenga e saj “Fenix” ne You tube ka arritur te klikohet me shume se gjashte milione here.

Burimi: Gazeta Dita