What do women want?
Expressions such as "Have you lost weight?" Sound really good woman to wear, but when it comes to relationship or love, there are also such expressions from that woman's heart melt.
"I love you"
Even tough women which 'do not fall' we flirt, enjoy when hear these two words from the partner. It is important that these words spoken at the right time and in the right place, then their effect is guaranteed. vajzat2Ndoshta will be swayed knees, or may faint, but these consequences are desirable ...
"You're right"
To be honest, it was like everybody sentence. When the person with whom you are about to receive in a particular topic you know more, then the body presented a 'wave' of adrenaline which promotes a sense very sweet as love itself. Although sometimes you have to be right, not good to always be so. If such women have expressed to always have the right, then this expression has not the appropriate value, and very soon will come to conflict with the partner.
Those who want to always have the right, instead of that it would be better to try to be happy and joyful. Allow partner to sometimes be the winner of the debate, and sometimes smile and the arts thojeni sentence: "You're right". It will not kill you, but your partner will enjoy.
"You're perfect for me"
For every woman it is important to have a positive attitude about herself. If you start to think negatively and low for this assessment itself may soon become unsafe and shake her personality. Therefore, your girlfriend Enjoy the pleasant expression, which will satisfy him and you will be proud of this.
"I agree"
There have to be fixed after it comes to marriage that seems important. If dreaming for the day when your partner means that you want to marry, it is important to know that she really loves this. Parts of promise of marriage, for women is a very big step. This is a step which inspires and sends it to eternal happiness and makes the focus on building a happy future as in her dreams.
Source: Telegraph
Cfare duan femrat?
Shprehjet e tilla, si “Mos ke humbur ne peshe?” vertet tingellojne mire ne veshin e femres, mirepo kur eshte ne pyetje lidhja ose dashuria, ekzistojne edhe shprehje te tilla nga te cilat shkrihet zemra e femres.
“Te dua”
Madje edhe femrat e veshtira te cilat ‘nuk bien’ ne flirt, kenaqen kur degjojne keto dy fjale nga partneri. Eshte me rendesi qe keto fjale te thuhen ne momentin e duhur dhe ne vendin e duhur- atehere efekti i tyre eshte i garantuar. vajzat2Ndoshta do t’i lekunden gjunjet, apo mund t’i bie te fiket, mirepo keto jane pasoja te deshirueshme…
“Ke te drejte”
Te jemi te sinqerte, kjo fjali u pelqen te gjitheve. Kur personi me te cilin jeni ne lidhje pranon se ne nje teme te caktuar ju dini me shume, atehere ne organizem paraqitet nje ‘vale’ e adrenalines e cila nxit nje ndjenje shume te embel sikurse vete dashuria. Edhe pse nganjehere duhet te keni te drejte, nuk eshte mire qe gjithmone te jete ashtu. Nese femra ka shprehi te tille qe gjithmone te kete te drejte, atehere kjo shprehje nuk e ka vleren e duhur, dhe shume shpejte do te vije deri te konflikti me partnerin.
Ata te cilet deshirojne qe gjithmone te kene te drejte, ne vend te kesaj do te ishte mire qe te mundohen te jene te gezuar dhe te lumtur. Lejojeni partnerin qe nganjehere te jete fitues i debatit, dhe buzeqeshni nganjehere dhe thojeni fjaline e arte: “Ke te drejte”. Kjo nuk do t’ju mbyse, por do ta gezoje partnerin tuaj.
“Je e persosur per mua”
Per secilen femer eshte me rendesi qe te kete qendrim pozitiv per veten e saj. Nese fillon te mendoje negativisht dhe te kete vleresim te ulet per veten e saj shume shpejt mund te behet e pasigurt dhe personaliteti i saj te lekundet. Prandaj, gezojeni te dashuren tuaj me shprehjen e kendshme, e cila do ta kenaqe ate dhe ju do te jeni krenar per kete gje.
Nuk duhet te jeni te fiksuar pas marteses qe kjo fjale t’ju duket e rendesishme. Nese enderroni per diten kur partnerja juaj do te thote se deshiron te martohet me ju, eshte me rendesi ta dini se ajo vertet e do kete gje. Kembimi i premtimeve te marteses, per femren eshte nje hap shume i madh. Ky eshte nje hap i cili e frymezon ate dhe e dergon drejt lumturise se perjetshme dhe e ben te perqendrohet ne ndertimin e nje te ardhme te lumtur sikurse ne endrrat e saj.
Burimi: Telegrafi